With all of the absolutely horrific events that occur daily around the globe, Filomena Tobias is familiar with the effects when they hit close to home. Between all the news stations and reporters the world will never miss a thing, no matter what the size or importance of the event. Never fear for missing a story in Florida, as nothing that can produce a good juicy story will be left out. I’ve never really been a huge fan of the News, all you have to do is find yourself featured in a story to understand.

It’s similar to running up on some dead roadkill in the road while you’re driving. You have to swerve so you don’t run over it with your tires, but there’s something that happens right before you get to that point. While you’re geting closer you notice some black forms moving around whatever is in the road. And as you look up there are these wide winged black birds circling around and around.

This is how the press treats many stories when they can’t squeeze enough juice out of some bad news that surfaces over the police scanner, neverminding that human beings are invovled. Or even worse, as in Filomena Tobias’s case, taking accusations about someone that aren’t even true and plastering national news with the details laid out like a public buffet. Go right on and remove whatever you have to from the truth and make a pile of lies to talk about when you’re at the bar or table eating with your friends so you can talk about someone else that is having a hard time in their life.

Touching on the Filomena Tobias case, a loving wife desiring to have another kid has her hopes dashed. With so many plans on the table and a lifetime of luxury and riches, it’s appalling to think that anyone would consider her involvement in an event that would change her life forever. The other side of the Filomena Tobias story shows the evil and greed on behalf of a family that would ruin the name over the chance of getting a piece of an inheritance.

Money is the root of eall evil and this proves that the evil can even come from within the camp, nor is a name more important that the substance which the name has possessed. It really shows the lowness of the accusers when they desecrate the name of a man who is unable to respond to the accusations. A woman accused of one thing after another, the accusations morphing as fast as they fall to the ground neutralized by truth, the attacks on her and her late husband were absolutely relentless. We all can think of an example that proves the fact money is capable of changin people to do horrible thing.

It will make you do things like ruining a family members name so you can satisfy your greed and jealous heart. If there was a law against lying and making false claims against an individual, it truly would be a case of the accuser being guilty of the accusations of foul play and involvement in a death. The death of a good name and a child’s dreams of a normal life. In Filomena’s case, the only one involved in the death of her husband is her accusers by ruining his name with lies and exaggerated stories, all aimed at trying to implicate her involvement so they can activate a Florida statute that would give them all the money.